Reduce carbon emissions by reducing our lawns. Take a small step to a beneficial and HEALTHY living space.
- The USA is home to over 45.5 million acres of lawn, which translates to 8 times the size of NJ.
- In the Eastern US, over 30% of fresh water usage is spent on irrigation; in the SW it’s over 50%.
- Lawns require energy to maintain in the form of gas and electricity (Sue Reed;
- A 1,000 square foot lawn requires 10,000 gallons of water per summer (US News and World Report, 10/28/96)
- Over 70 million lbs of chemical pesticides are applied to lawns in the U.S. each year. (US News and World Report, 10/28/96).
- Of the most commonly used lawn pesticides:
- 13 cause cancer
- 14 can cause birth defects
- 11 can interfere with reproduction
- 21 can damage the nervous system (EPA)
- 60-90% of earthworms are killed where pesticides are regularly applied (Pa. Dept. of Agriculture).
- Detectable levels of pesticides are found in over 10% of drinking water wells.
- It costs an average of $700.00 per acre per year to maintain a lawn, compared to a wildflower meadow costing $30/acre. (
- Please visit the website for more information regarding beneficial landscaping.